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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County



A private company, contracted by Pima County, provides medical and mental health services for the Detention Center's detained youth. Services include:

  1. Pre-detention medical, physical, and mental health screening

  2. Physical Exams, including tuberculosis testing

  3. Treatment of minor injuries and illnesses

  4. Providing medication monitoring and psychiatric consultation

  5. Providing crisis intervention, evaluation services, and mental health continuity of care services

For more serious injuries and illnesses, youth may be transported to other medical facilities in the area for treatment.

Parents and/or legal guardians with questions or concerns regarding the health of their youth should call the Detention Center medical office administrator at (520) 724-5093.


Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their youth's medical needs while detained. Each parent should fill out a medical questionnaire giving medical history, insurance carrier, and specific medical needs of the youth.

If the youth is receiving prescription medication, the parent or guardian should bring a sufficient supply to the Detention Center, along with full instructions of how it should be administered. Prescription medication must be in its original container with a current expiration date, with the youth's name on it. Information of any illness such as diabetes, epilepsy, recent surgery, or unusual habits such as bedwetting or sleepwalking, should be made known to the youth's Probation Officer or to Detention Medical Staff as soon as possible.

Parents and legal guardians who have questions or concerns regarding the health of their youth should call the Detention Center medical office at (520) 724-5093.

Suzette Williams

Director of Detention Services

(520) 724-2929

Juvenile Detention
2225 East Ajo Way
Tucson, AZ 85713

Map and Directions

Detention 24-Hours:

(520) 724-2150

Intake 24-Hours:

(520) 724-2003

CAPE School:

(520) 724-4544


(520) 724-5093