Wednesday, December 13, 2023 by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County
The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County is accepting applications from attorneys interested in appointment as a volunteer judge pro tempore, as well as reappointment applications from current judge pro tems.
Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, February 16, 2024, by 3:30 p.m.
Applications may be downloaded through the “Jobs” link on the Court’s website (direct: 2024 Term Volunteer Judge Pro Tempore). Additionally, paper copies are available at the reception desk on the 9th floor of the Superior Court, as well as at the information desk at the Juvenile Court Center. You may also e-mail your application request to [email protected]; cc [email protected], or call 520-724-4217.
(Those currently serving as judges pro tempore must apply for reappointment using the Reappointment Application.)
Completed applications must be delivered directly to Hon. Jeffrey T. Bergin, Presiding Judge. His office is on the 8th floor of the Superior Court building at 110 W. Congress, Tucson, 85701. Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., except for court holidays. Please note you cannot send your application and loyalty oath by email as the Court must retain the originals.
Description: Attorneys who serve in this capacity act as judges when needed by the Court. Appointments are made in accordance with ARS §§ 12-141 and 12-142 for a period of one year beginning on July 1, 2024.
Duties: Those serving as judge pro tem for the Family Law Bench will be expected to provide a minimum of 24 hours of service during the one-year term. Expected hours of service on other benches may vary. While judges pro tem are not paid, service in this capacity may qualify as an activity that satisfies the requirement of ER 6.1, Rule 42, Arizona Rules of the Supreme Court, relating to a lawyer's volunteer pro bono service. Service as a judge pro tem is subject to the limitations of Rule 81, Part D, of the Arizona Code of Judicial Conduct.
Qualifications: By statute, judges pro tempore of the Superior Court must be at least 30 years of age, of good moral character, and admitted to the practice of law in this state for not less than five years next preceding the date of appointment. Applicants must be approved by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court in Pima County, the Pima County Board of Supervisors, and the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court. In addition, it is a requirement that judges pro tempore must sign and file an oath of office with the Secretary of State.
Applicants selected as a judge pro tempore for the Probate Bench must complete specialized training, available via computer and provided free of charge. Those selected will be contacted by the office of the probate presiding judge to arrange their training.
Arizona’s Chief Justice has advised no candidate or incumbent will be approved for a judge pro tempore appointment if they are not an active status attorney, if a disciplinary check reveals they are presently participating in an attorney disciplinary diversion program where probable cause was found they committed an ethical violation, or if formal disciplinary proceedings have been initiated. Applicants selected as judges pro tempore must immediately advise the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court if they become participants in a disciplinary diversion program, if they are subject to a probable cause finding, if formal disciplinary proceedings are initiated against them, or if they cease to be on active status at any time during their term of appointment.