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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

How Do I?


You may start your application for a protective order either online, at AZPOINT or in person, at Superior Court.

Domestic Violence Information and Resources

You may also call the Clerk of the Court Civil Department at (520) 724-3210.


Usted puede iniciar el proceso para su orden de protección por internet en AZPOINT o en persona en el Tribunal Superior.

Información y recursos sobre violencia familiar

También puede comunicarse con el Departamento Civil de la Secretaría del Tribunal llamando al (520) 724-3210.

  Arizona Superior Court in Pima County provides two options for applicants seeking a name change.  An applicant can file their application and request a telephonic hearing or can appear in person on a Wednesday or a Thursday morning.

     If you file your application and request a hearing date, the Court will provide you with notice of your hearing date by mail. Hearings are generally set within 30 days of the application being filed. The hearings will be set by remote means, but an applicant may appear in person if the applicant wants to attend court in person. The hearing usually takes about 5 minutes. If the judge grants your application, a finalized copy of your order will be mailed to you. In most cases, you should receive your order within 7-10 days of your hearing date.

     If you prefer to walk in for a same day name change, you may come to the court on a Wednesday or a Thursday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. You must bring a completed name change packet with you. When your packet is filed, you will be escorted to a courtroom for a hearing when a judge is available. If your application is granted at the hearing, your order will be processed and given to you before you leave the building. Please be prepared to be at the courthouse for up to two and half hours to finalize all necessary steps of the name change process. You will not receive a set hearing time and may have to wait for a period of time for your hearing.

     The necessary paperwork and instructions for either name change procedure described above can be found here CHANGE MY NAME.  For current filing fees please see Pima County Clerk of the Superior Court or call the Clerk of the Court, (520) 724-3210.

[Please note: If you are seeking a court order for any change to a birth certificate other than changing your name on your own birth certificate or the name of your minor child on their birth certificate, these types of changes require a separate hearing and different forms. Please visit or contact the court’s Law Library and Resource Center, (520) 724-8456, for the necessary forms and information.]

The Clerk of the Court's office is the first stop in initiating any Superior Court action in:

Child Support

Civil (Passport, Marriage License, Protection Order, Divorce/Dissolution, Legal Records)

Criminal (Appeals)

Probate (Guardianship and Conservatorship)

Mental Health

Tax or Domestic Relations Matters (Conciliation and Mediation, Paternity/Maternity)

For more information about how to file papers, filing fees, and after hours filing, CLICK HERE to visit the Clerk of Court’s website or call the Clerk of the Court's office at (520) 724-3200.

Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. The legal forms are intended for use by persons who are not represented by an attorney. The forms may provide helpful guidance to attorneys who do not normally practice in this area of the state or country, as only forms issued by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County are valid for use in this court. The use of a legal form from this website is not a substitute for legal advice. Consult the relevant statutes and rules when preparing your legal documents. If you have legal questions, consult an attorney who practices in this area of the law and has the expertise you need.

The Law Library’s website has a Legal Services link with information about finding an attorney. To view, CLICK HERE.

Self-Service forms are also available on the Law Library’s website. To view, CLICK HERE.

Forms may also be purchased at the Law Library, which is located on the second floor of the courthouse. For more information about self-service forms, call the Law Library at (520) 724-8456.

The office of the Clerk of the Court is the official record keeper of the court.  For case documents, CLICK HERE to visit the website or call (520) 724-3200.

The office of the Clerk of the Court collects fines, fees, bonds, and restitution.  The Clerk’s office can be reached at (520) 724-3200 or CLICK HERE to visit the website.

For information about cases CLICK HERE or hearing dates, CLICK HERE or call Case Management Services at (520) 724-4200.

Information about Superior Court judges is available on the court’s website. You may search for contact information for judges alphabetically by last name. CLICK HERE to view the website or you may also call (520) 724-4200 for assistance.

If you are looking for information about whether you need to report for jury service or not, after 3:30 p.m. the day before your report date either call (520) 724-6700 or CLICK HERE to visit the Jurors website, and then click on the Reporting Information link.

CLICK HERE to visit the Jury Commissioner’s Office website. You can fill out your online juror qualification questionnaire and get answers to frequently asked questions regarding jury service.

If you still have questions about your summons, call the Jury Commissioner’s Office at (520) 724-4222.

The Superior Court courthouse has nine floors. Courtrooms are located on floors 2 through 8. The first number of the courtroom indicates on which floor the courtroom is located.

To look up the location of your courtroom on the Case Management Services webpage CLICK HERE and then click on the Online Court Calendar button and search for the date of your hearing.

You may also call Case Management Services at (520) 724-4200.

You may also look at the electronic monitors located in the lobby of the first floor of the courthouse or at the paper calendars located on the Information booth desk in the lobby of the first floor of the courthouse.

Arizona statute (A.R.S. § 36-2862) allows individuals to petition the court to seal certain marijuana-related criminal records.

Please visit Prop 207 ( for more details or contact [email protected].

The Arizona Superior Court in Pima County meets or exceeds all ADA accessibility requirements as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

If you have questions about accessibility or need to request accommodations, please contact Facilities Management at (520) 724-3850 or CLICK HERE to visit the Court’s ADA Accessibility webpage. 

The Office of the Court Interpreter provides interpretation and translation services for certain court cases and offers support to other County Courts.

To request an interpreter, fill out and submit a Request for Linguistic Accommodation, which is located on the Court Interpreter’s website, CLICK HERE. You may also call the Interpreter’s Office at (520) 724-3888.

The Office of the Court Interpreter provides interpretation and translation services for certain court cases and offers support to other County Courts.

To request an interpreter, fill out and submit a Request for Linguistic Accommodation, which is located on the Court Interpreter’s website, CLICK HERE.  You may also call the Interpreter’s Office at (520) 724-3888.

You can order an audio recording by filling out the FTR Audio Order Form

You must file a Motion to Request a Hearing, explaining the reason you are requesting a hearing, and file a Notice of Hearing signed by you with the date and time left blank.

If the matter needs to be heard on an expedited base, you must file a Petition for Order Shortening along with the Motion to Request a Hearing, and an Order Shortening Time with the date left blank and a signature line for the Judicial Officer’s signature.

Once a date and time have been assigned, the Notice of Hearing or Order Shortening Time will be returned to you for distribution in a timely manner to all interested parties.

Who do I contact to schedule interpreter services?

Ramiro Alviar, Director of Interpreting Services
110 West Congress Street
9th Floor, W919
Tucson, Arizona 85701-1317
Phone: (520) 724-3888
Fax: (520) 724-8872
E-mail: [email protected]

Request an interpreter Form