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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Child Support Calculator

Child Support is a monthly amount that the court orders one parent to pay to the other parent in order to help with the costs of supporting their child. Child Support is calculated from many factors. These factors include how much money each parent earns, the typical cost of raising a child, how much parenting time each parent has, who pays for medical insurance and childcare and how much, as well as several other factors.

As long as you know the information, or can estimate the information, the online Child Support Calculator will do the math for you. For information about child support rules and how child support is standardized across the state, visit Arizona Child Support Guidelines.

Use one of the Child Support Calculators below to create a Child Support Worksheet, Child Support Order and Income Withholding Order for Support.

Child Support Calculator from Superior Court, Pima (Preferred. Requires Microsoft Excel software, using any other software may produce an incorrect calculation. Follow instructions in Packet 08 - Child Support)

Child Support Order (Efiling compatible)

Income Withholding for Support (Efiling compatible)

General Public Version of the calculator from Maricopa County (No Microsoft Excel software required)