Monday, May 15, 2023 by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County
Nine Pima County residents will celebrate their successes Wednesday night, May 17, during their graduation from Superior Court's Drug Court/Pima County Attorney's Office DTAP (Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison) programs. The celebration will be held at the Berger Performing Arts Center at 1200 W. Speedway, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
The public and media representatives are invited to attend. Guest speakers will include Jeremy Korn, Transition Coordinator for Community Bridges, Inc., and Chris Chavez, Outreach Program Manager at Hope, Inc.
Since 2005, hundreds have successfully graduated from the Drug Court program, a collaboration between the Superior Court, local justice partners, and various community-wide treatment providers. Drug Court addresses the underlying causes of criminal behavior and focuses on recovery and rehabilitation rather than punishment.
The Pima County Attorney's Office has offered DTAP's three-year drug treatment program since 2010. The only program of its kind in Arizona, DTAP focuses on individuals considered to be high risk/high need, and provides residential drug treatment as well as wraparound recovery support services.
Both paths divert non-violent, substance-abusing felony offenders into comprehensive, court-supervised programs of substance abuse treatment, monitoring, and management. The programs address the underlying causes of criminal behavior, focus on recovery and rehabilitation, and blend justice with active therapy.
Treatment courts support participants in becoming self-supporting and productive community members while overcoming their dependance, usually at less than half the cost of incarceration. They hold the client responsible for their behavior and reduce future illegal activity. Participants are provided individualized treatment plans that, when followed, offer a passport to a new way of life.