Pima County Juvenile Court strives to provide up-to-date information to our stakeholders and justice partners. Our Professional Resource page includes toolkits and procedures geared towards attorneys, agencies, and professionals. These items are available to the public as well.
The Pima County Juvenile Court Family Law Protocol (hereinafter “Protocol”) was developed to address issues arising at the intersection of family and juvenile court and to facilitate case coordination when family law orders will resolve a dependency. This Protocol addresses how to create accurate and complete legal records and establishes guidelines to streamline and coordinate case management and judicial communication in consolidated cases. Our Protocol committee was intentionally formed to ensure that we best serve families appearing in juvenile court and family court, and to establish clear procedures and support coordination and communication among judges on both benches, attorneys, juvenile court mediators, conciliation court personnel, and the Clerk of the Court’s office.
Pima County Family Law Protocol
Pima County Dependency Parenting Plan Mediation
Pima County Family Law Protocol Checklist
Pima County Family Law Protocol Hearing Diagram
A Resource Guide for professionals, and to provide to families involved in a Guardianship.
View the Guardianship Guide
A toolkit for transnational child welfare cases to be used by judges, attorneys, and child welfare personnel.
View Transnational Toolkit for Child Welfare
The PCJCC Model Court’s Evidenced-Based (EB) Services subcommittee has been tasked with researching currently available evidenced-based or evidenced-informed services in our local area.
Evidence-Based Services in Pima County