The Criminal Bench presides over all criminal cases involving allegations of a felony offense and appeals from City Courts and Justice Court. Examples of felony offenses are criminal damage over $1,000, some driving under the influence charges, theft over $1,000, possession or sale of drugs, aggravated assaults, sexual crimes, and homicide. In order to provide the best service to the community the Court has specialty courts that help to work with the different needs of those in the criminal justice system. These specialty courts are Drug Court, DTAP (Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison), Mental Health Court and we will soon have a STEPs/SMRT Court. (Supportive Treatment and Intervention Programs/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Response Team)
The Court will appoint attorneys for those criminal defendants who are determined to be indigent. A current screening process determines the defendant's indigency and what, if any, part of the defense is paid for by the defendant.
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