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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Criminal Court Forms

Judges & Courts Bench Assignments Presiding Judges Civil Court Drug Court Family Court Juvenile Court Mental Health Court (Criminal) Probate Court
  • Title
  • Application for Misdemeanor Designation
  • Application for Restoration of Civil Rights (Federal)
  • Application for Restoration of Civil Rights and to Set Aside Judgment (State)
  • Petition To Seal Criminal Case Records
  • Post Sentence Motion and Notice of Hearing
  • Lifetime Injuctions
    • Title
    • Petition for a Lifetime No-Contact Injunction
    • Victim Information Sheet for a Lifetime No-Contact Injunction
    • Order for Lifetime No-Contact Injunction
    • Motion to Dismiss Order for Lifetime No-Contact Injunction
    • Declaration of Service of Order for Lifetime No-Contact Injunction
  • Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. The legal forms are intended for use by persons who are not represented by an attorney. The forms may provide helpful guidance to attorneys who do not normally practice in this area of the state or country, as only forms issued by Arizona Superior Court in Pima County are valid for use in this court.

    The use of a legal form from this website is not a substitute for legal advice. Consult the relevant statutes and rules when preparing your legal documents. If you have legal questions, consult an attorney who practices in this area of the law and has the expertise you need.

    Prepared forms must be printed and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court, 110 W. Congress, Tucson, Arizona 85701. The Clerk of the Superior Court has a fee schedule for filing fees that must be paid with the filing of these legal forms and the cost of making copies. The fees are subject to change. Please check with the Clerk of the Superior Court for a schedule of fees or for additional information on filing requirements.

    Methods of acceptable payment of fees are:

    In person - cash, money order, personal check (with driver's license number written in), or credit card.

    By mail - money order or personal check (with driver's license number written in).