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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Parent Education

Divorce and Special Paternity Parent Education Program

In an action for divorce, annulment, legal separation, paternity and in some post decree actions involving a minor child common to both parties, parents are required to take a parent education course. Unless otherwise ordered by the Judge, parties must attend the class within 45 days of filing or being served by a petition.

The course is mandated by the Arizona Legislature (ARS § 25-351) to help educate parents about the impact separation, divorce, family reorganization, conflict and family litigation can have on children and parents. The class will provide you with information that can help minimize the stress and harmful effects upon you and your children in what can be a very difficult time in your lives.

You must register for and take the course whether or not you are responding to a petition. Failure to take the course will not delay your divorce, but may result in the court denying you any future requests for relief such as modifications in legal decision-making, parenting time and/or child support. The course is available online or virtually via Microsoft TEAMS. See the “How to Register” tab for more information.

Pima County Superior Court will not accept Certificates of Attendance for other online parent education classes that are not affiliated with Pima County Superior Court without prior approval from the assigned Judge.

Important: If you would like to register for an online self-paced course in English or Spanish, please call the Conciliation Court at (520) 724-4949.

To register for a scheduled virtual course held via Microsoft TEAMS in English or Spanish, use the link below.

Register for a virtual course via Microsoft TEAMS

The course costs $45.00. You must pay the fee and get a receipt from the Clerk of Court before you can register for and attend the course. You may apply for a waiver or deferral of the class fee at the Clerk of Court.

If you are filing a petition or response to a petition the course fee will be included in your filing fee. Ask the Clerk to be sure it is included.

If an attorney represents you, your attorney may make arrangements for payment of the fee. If you represent yourself you may:

Pay in Person: You may pay in person at the Clerk of the Superior Court, 110 West Congress, Tucson, Arizona, First Floor. Payment may be in cash, check, money order or cashier’s check.

Pay by Mail: Enclose a check, money order or cashier’s check for $45.00, payable to CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT.

            ⚬  Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope to have your receipt sent to you. You cannot register for and attend the course without this receipt.
            ⚬  Write your court case number and “Parent Information Program Fee” on the check, money order or cashier’s check.

To enroll in the online self-paced course in English or Spanish:

Call Conciliation Court at (520) 724-4949.

The online self-paced course can only be completed on a desktop computer or laptop. The program cannot be completed on a cell phone or tablet. The online course should be completed within seven (7) days of enrollment.

To enroll in the virtual course via Microsoft TEAMS in English or Spanish:

Click HERE:  "Registration for Virtual Course via Microsoft TEAMS" which is available 24 hours a day. If you experience difficulties call (520) 724-4949 during normal business hours.

If you need to reschedule a course after you have registered, please call (520) 724-4949.

●  To register, you must have a Pima County Superior Court Case Number and a receipt number from the Clerk of the Court.
●  Parents must attend separate classes. Parents may not attend a virtual class at the same timeas the other parent.
●  Only those who have registered for the class may attend.
●  You must attend the entire class in order to receive certificate of completion.
●  Completion certificates cannot be issued without proof of payment.

If, due to a disability, you need special accommodations for your attendance at this program, please call (520) 724-4949 to register and indicate your special needs when you register.

Mayela Cano, M.Ed.

Director of Conciliation Court

Conciliation Court

32 North Stone Avenue
(Legal Services Bldg.) Suite 1704
Tucson, AZ 85701-1403

    Office Hours:

    8:00 a.m.- Noon

    1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

    Monday – Friday

    (except Court Holidays)



(520) 724-5590


(520) 724-4034


[email protected]