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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Application for Informal Probate

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If you are not sure about what to do, contact an attorney. There are serious consequences for people representing themselves and doing so improperly.     

The cost for filing informal probate is $146.00, cash, Visa or MasterCard.  This fee is subject to change.  The cost for a certified copy of the Letters and Acceptance is $18.50 for a one-page document, and $19.00 for a two-page document.   Check with the clerk's office to verify actual fee amounts.  The clerk takes cash, Visa, or MasterCard for filing fees.  The forms must have a caption showing the name of the court, the name of the decedent,  and the title of the form.

You must first determine whether you are filing testate (leaving a valid Will), or intestate (leaving no Will).

Arizona Statutes require that a personal representative be appointed to administer the probate.  Administration of an estate includes filing a verified statement, publishing notice to creditors, giving notice as required, making distributions, filing receipts, paying taxes, and closing the estate according to law.

The forms required in an ordinary probate are set out below:

TESTATE ESTATE - (Leaving a valid Will)
  1. Application for Informal Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative (Form PR-08)

  2. General Order to the Personal Representative

  3. Statement of Informal Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative (Form PR-12)

  4. Probate Information Sheet (PR-Cover)

  5. Letters and Acceptance of Personal Representative (Form PR-14)

  6. Verified Statement Pursuant to A.R.S 14-5651 (Form PR-15)

  7. Notice to Heirs and Devisees of Informal Probate and Appointment - (Form PR-18)

  8. Notice to Creditors (You need both the forms listed below)

    1. For Publication - (Form PR-80)

    2. To known Creditors - (Form PR-80A)

  9. Proof of Notice to Known Creditors/Statement of no Known Creditors (PR-80B)

  10. Proof of Mailing/Delivery of Inventory (Form PR-71)

  11. Instrument or Deed of Distribution (Form PR-101)

  12. Closing Statement (You will need one of the forms listed below)

    1. Regular Closing Statement (Form PR-114) or

    2. Summary Administration Closing Statement (Form PR-114A)

Other forms may be needed in the initial filing of probate. Some of these forms include

  1. Renunciation of:

    1. Right to Appointment

    2. Right to Nominate

    3. Concurrence in Nomination

    4. Waiver of Bond (Form PR-4)

  2. Waiver of Bond (Form PR-5)

INTESTATE ESTATE - (Leaving no Will)
  1. Application for Informal Appointment of Personal Representative (Form PR-9)

  2. General Order to the Personal Representative

  3. Informal Appointment of Personal Representative (Form PR-13)

  4. Probate Information Sheet (PR-Cover)

  5. Letters and Acceptance of Personal Representative (Form PR-14)

  6. Verified Statement Pursuant to A.R.S 14-5651 (Form PR-15)

  7. Notice to Heirs of Informal Appointment - Intestate (Form PR-19)

  8. Notice to Creditors (You need both the forms listed below)

    1. For Publication - (Form PR-80)

    2. To known Creditors - (Form PR-80A)

  9. Proof of Notice to Known Creditors/Statement of no Known Creditors (PR-80B)

  10. Proof of Mailing/Delivery of Inventory (Form PR-71)

  11. Instrument or Deed of Distribution (Form PR-101)

  12. Closing Statement (You will need one of the forms listed below)

    1. Regular Closing Statement (Form PR-114) or

    2. Summary Administration Closing Statement (Form PR-114A)

Other forms may be needed in the initial filing of probate. Some of these forms include

  1. Renunciation of:

    1. Right to Appointment

    2. Right to Nominate

    3. Concurrence in Nomination

    4. Waiver of Bond (Form PR-4)

  2. Waiver of Bond (Form PR-5)

* The process of administering a probate estate can be a complicated procedure. An attorney familiar with this area of the law is usually needed. Each estate is different. There are other forms that may be needed in probate. Many are available at the Pima County Bar Association. If you have any questions, consult with an attorney.

Kenneth Lee (Div. 3)

Presiding Judge

(520) 724-8531

Sandra Bensley (Div. 15)


(520) 724-4416

Julia Connors (Div. 64/O)


(520) 724-4512

Other Probate Contacts

Superior Court Probate Clerk’s Office
110 West Congress Street
1st Floor
Tucson, Arizona 85701
(520) 724-3230 

Scott Petersen
Superior Court Probate Registrar
110 West Congress Street
1st Floor
Tucson, Arizona 85701
(520) 724-3247

Lorenzo Garza
Probate Accountant
110 West Congress Street
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 724-3230

Peter Santini
Pima County Public Fiduciary
32 North Stone Avenue
4th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 724-5454

Elder Law Legal Assistance
(520) 790-7262

Southern Arizona Legal Aid
(520) 623-9461

Lawyers Referral
(520) 623-4625

Pima County Bar Association
(520) 623-8258