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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Probate, Guardianships, and Conservatorships

Judges & Courts Bench Assignments Presiding Judges Civil Court Criminal Court Drug Court Family Court Juvenile Court Mental Health Court (Criminal)

If you are not sure about what to do, contact an attorney. There are serious consequences for people representing themselves and doing so improperly.     

The following procedural information is provided to meet the needs of the ever increasing numbers of self-represented litigants by providing information on procedures and services. It should be used as a guide for routine filings. Form numbers are given where applicable.

The intent of this information is not to provide legal advice, but to inform about procedures involved in these matters. If there is uncertainty regarding a procedure, seek the advice of an attorney. There are serious consequences for people representing themselves and doing so improperly. Following is a listing of different agencies in town that can help with legal proceedings:

Lawyers Referral..........................623-4625 (Prepaid $35.00 fee - 30 minute consultation)

Southern Arizona Legal Aid.........623-9461

Legal Hotline for the Elderly........623-5137

Pima County Bar Association.......623-8258 (177 N. Church, Suite 101)

Forms are available at the Pima County Bar Association. There is a charge for the forms. The Clerk of Court has a fee schedule for filing fees and copies. These fees change periodically. Please check with the probate clerk at 724-3230 for a schedule of fees.

It is important to understand that legal representation or the advice of a lawyer is always beneficial to any person seeking resolution of a legal matter. This manual may answer some of your questions, but there is no guarantee it deals with any and all legal issues that may arise in resolving your matter.


Petition for Withdrawal of Funds from Minor’s Restricted Account

Petition to Terminate Minor’s Conservatorship and Release Funds

Petition for Appointment of Guardian(s) of Minor(s)

Affidavit of Succession to Real Property ARS 14-3971(E)

Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property ARS 14-3971(B)

Affidavit Evidencing Termination of Joint Tenancy

Affidavit Evidencing Termination of Community Property held with Right of Survivorship

Application for Informal Probate


Kenneth Lee (Div. 3)

Presiding Judge

(520) 724-8531

Sandra Bensley (Div. 66/Q)


(520) 724-4416

Julia Connors (Div. 64/O)


(520) 724-4512

Other Probate Contacts

Superior Court Probate Clerk’s Office
110 West Congress Street
1st Floor
Tucson, Arizona 85701
(520) 724-3230 

Scott Petersen
Superior Court Probate Registrar
110 West Congress Street
1st Floor
Tucson, Arizona 85701
(520) 724-3247

Lorenzo Garza
Probate Accountant
110 West Congress Street
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 724-3230

Peter Santini
Pima County Public Fiduciary
32 North Stone Avenue
4th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 724-5454

Elder Law Legal Assistance
(520) 790-7262

Southern Arizona Legal Aid
(520) 623-9461

Lawyers Referral
(520) 623-4625

Pima County Bar Association
(520) 623-8258