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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County



The following instructions are presented to assist a parent or legal guardian whose child is in the custody of the Pima County Juvenile Court Detention Center. We urge parents and legal guardians to visit their child while he or she is in residence. Any questions concerning general visitation procedures and schedules may be directed to (520) 724-2150.

General Visitation Hours

All visitation sessions are limited to 13 youths.

Visitors must be registered and screened at least 5 minutes prior to the visitation session.


6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


This weekend schedule is also used for the following holidays: New Year's Day, MLK/Civil Rights Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.  
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


In addition to general visitation, all youth in detention are offered a virtual visit weekly.  These visits are provided to youth every week on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.

  1. Parents or legal guardians may visit during general visitation hours. Any other family member, or person over the age of 18, must have the permission of the youths' Probation Officer to visit during general visitation.

  2. All visitors must be registered and screened at least five minutes prior to the beginning of each session.  Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of visitation to complete the registration and screening process.

  3. Visitation hours will not be extended beyond the regularly scheduled times. Families will be accommodated on a "first come, first served" basis. Due to seating limitations, some families may be turned away and asked to visit during a later session or on a different day.

  4. For everyone's safety, children cannot be left unattended, either inside or outside of the Juvenile Court building. Please make childcare arrangements prior to your visit.

  5. Visitors will be required to show a picture identification before being allowed to visit.

  6. Visitors will not be permitted to bring purses, backpacks, cell phones, pagers, electronic devices, books, magazines, tobacco products, drugs, weapons, etc., into the visitation area. All items must be placed in a locker in the visitation area or locked in the visitor's vehicle. (Smoking is prohibited in the Detention facility and anywhere on Juvenile Court property.)

  7. The exchange of any article with any youth is absolutely forbidden. Youths are provided the basic essentials in Detention. The only items accepted by the visitation officer prior to visitation are:

      • Clothing for out of county placement and/or CREW

      • Parents and legal guardians are asked to hold all gifts (birthday, Christmas, etc.) until their child is released from Detention. Cards and letters must be submitted through the U. S. Postal Service.

  8. All visitors will be screened with a metal detector and will not be admitted into the visitation area if they do not pass the screening.

  9. All visitors must be appropriately dressed. This includes, but is not limited to, shoes, shorts/pants, and shirt. Dress attire that is too revealing or that glorifies/promotes drugs, gangs, violence, or any type of socially unacceptable behavior will be considered inappropriate and a basis for denial of visitation.

Visitor Dress Code:

●  Shorts no shorter than mid-thigh.
●  Sheer, see-through clothing is prohibited
●  Tops shall be no lower than the underarm in the front and back. Bare midriffs or strapless tops, tube tops, tank tops, body suits, muscle shirts, spandex, or swimsuits are not permitted
●  Shoes must be worn at all times

The following conditions are grounds for which a youth or a youth's visitor may lose visitation privileges:

●  If the youth's behavior in Detention warrants loss of visitation time
●  If the youth is on medical isolation
●  If the youth has not completed the detainment process in Intake
●  If visitors fail to abide by the rules in the Detention Center or create a disturbance, those visitors will be asked to leave the facility and may possibly be refused further visitation privileges
●  Visitors will be refused visitation if they are intoxicated or under the influence of illegal or prescribed substances.


Special visits may be permitted and are arranged through the youth's Probation officer. These visits are conducted outside of normal general visitation times and may either be a contact or non-contact visit. All visitors are subject to the approval of the youth's Probation officer.


Youth, are permitted to write and receive letters while in Detention. Cards and letters for youth must be received through the U.S. Postal Service. All mail must include the sender's first and last name in the return address portion of the envelope and be addressed as follows:

Youth's Name
Pima County Juvenile Detention Center
2225 East Ajo Way
Tucson, Arizona 85713-6295

Youth will be required to open their mail in the presence of Detention personnel in order to ensure no contraband is contained in the envelope. Parents/guardians are asked to hold all gifts (birthday, Christmas, etc.) until their child is released from the Detention Center.


Youth held in Detention are permitted to make phone calls at the discretion of their Probation Officer. Incoming telephone calls for youth are not accepted. Parents/guardians may not call their children, except in an emergency. If a serious need arises, call (520) 724-2150 and ask to speak to a Detention Supervisor.

Suzette Williams

Director of Detention Services

(520) 724-2929

Juvenile Detention
2225 East Ajo Way
Tucson, AZ 85713

Map and Directions

Detention 24-Hours:

(520) 724-2150

Intake 24-Hours:

(520) 724-2003

CAPE School:

(520) 724-4544


(520) 724-5093