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Arizona Superior Court in Pima County

Conciliation Counseling

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Petition for Conciliation

Conciliation Packet

Conciliation & Counseling Services

As provided by ARS §25-381, Rule 68B of the Arizona Rules of Family Court Procedure, and rule 3.11, Arizona Rules of Court, Pima County, a petition for conciliation may be filed by either or both spouses. When filed, a period of jurisdiction of up to 60 days is established to allow a “time out” period during which the conciliation session may be conducted. During this time, neither spouse may file for separation or dissolution. If such an action has already been filed, it may not be advanced until the conciliation petition is dismissed.

Conciliation Court provides at least one session of mandatory marriage counseling to spouses who are experiencing an ongoing conflict which might lead to divorce or separation. The intent of the conciliation process is to assist the parties in making an informed and thoughtful decision regarding their marital relationship.

The clinician makes no recommendations to the Court or to the parties regarding whether their marriage should be dissolved. The conciliation process is confidential by law, ensuring that matters discussed during the sessions cannot be used later in any court action.

Non-Petitioned (Voluntary) Counseling

As caseloads allow, intra-office referrals and referrals from the Family Court bench for counseling are taken occasionally when needed as an adjunct to other mandated services. This is especially true for mediation cases, when a brief course of counseling may help parties develop improved communication skills and mutual understanding, which can assist in resolving disputes regarding legal decision-making and/or parenting time arrangements for their children.

Mayela Cano, M.Ed.

Director of Conciliation Court

Conciliation Court

32 North Stone Avenue
(Legal Services Bldg.) Suite 1704
Tucson, AZ 85701-1403

    Office Hours:

    8:00 a.m.- Noon

    1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

    Monday – Friday

    (except Court Holidays)



(520) 724-5590


(520) 724-4034


[email protected]