A trial is the time for you and the other person to present evidence on issues you do not agree about.
General Issues if Children are Involved in Your Case:
Legal decision making (decision-making authority over major matters about the children).
Parenting time (what time each parent will spend with the children).
Child support.
Additional Issues If Your Case Involves A Divorce:
Spousal maintenance.
Division of community property and division of debts.
The judge will decide these issues based on the evidence given and talked about during the trial. Only evidence you bring to or talk about at the trial will be considered.
After the trial, the judge may give you a ruling right there in court or may take the case “under advisement,” which means that the judge will give you a written ruling at a later time.
The judge’s ruling may be a signed decree or judgment, which officially ends the case. If the judge chooses, the judge may decide contested issues and then require you, the other person, or both of you to submit a decree for the judge to sign based on what the judge decided.