Public records requests to the Superior Court in Pima County and its Juvenile Court Center are governed by Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123. Rule 123 provides the guidelines regarding access to all non-sealed, non-confidential records of these court facilities. Public access to some court records may be restricted or redacted in accordance with this rule, or other provisions of law.
If you are requesting case documents, please contact the Clerk of the Superior Court.
How to Submit a Public Records Request:
Include your name, email address, phone number, and company or organization in your request.
Provide a detailed description and date range for the records you seek and be as specific as possible.
If the request is for a commercial purpose, provide that purpose and the explicit use intended for the records.
Note: “Commercial purpose” is defined as “the use of a public record for the purpose of sale or resale or for the purpose of producing a document containing all or part of the copy, printout, or photograph for sale or the obtaining of names and addresses from such public records for the purpose of solicitation or the sale of such names and addresses to another for the purpose of solicitation or for any purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary gain from direct or indirect use of such public records.”
Please email your request (preferred) to Community Relations or mail it to:
Pima County Superior Court
Attn: Community Relations
110 W. Congress Street, 9th Floor
Tucson, AZ. 85701
Costs to produce available records will vary, based upon the information being sought. An estimate of charges will be supplied, and a deposit may be required before the data will be provided.
The requesting party will be provided an explanation for any requests that are denied or delayed.
IMPORTANT: By submitting any public records request to this Court, you certify that the requested records shall be used only for the purpose indicated and that the information you have provided is true and accurate.