Most Superior Court proceedings are open to the public, although most matters heard by our Juvenile bench are closed. If you wish to observe a Juvenile Court proceeding, kindly email Community Relations for more information.
Courthouse Visits for Individuals
Members of the public do not need to schedule an appointment to observe Superior Court proceedings and participate as an audience member.
Courtroom seating is limited, and the public is asked to abide by the guidelines provided here.
For more information, email Community Relations.
Courthouse Visits for Groups or Schools
Groups wanting to arrange a hosted court visit should fill out the Courthouse Visit Request form and return it to Community Relations
The court will help design an appropriate experience, commensurate with the ages and number of students or visitors.
Courtroom Use Requests
Schools, organizations or justice partners wishing to reserve courtrooms for training or Mock Trial purposes should contact the Administrative Office of the Superior Court at (520) 724-3768.
Courtroom Use Request Form
Guidelines for Visiting the Courthouse
Arizona Superior Court, Pima County – Information for Courthouse Visits
Pima County Juvenile Court – Guidelines for a Successful Visit